The Organ Music of Ronald Law
4 Voluntaries: No. 1, Et expecto - Kevin Bowyer
4 Voluntaries: No. 2, River Pastoral - Kevin Bowyer
4 Voluntaries: No. 3, Song - Kevin Bowyer
4 Voluntaries: No. 4, Paean & Air - Kevin Bowyer
3 Christmas Pieces: No. 1, Rocking - Kevin Bowyer
3 Christmas Pieces: No. 2, Es ist ein Ros - Kevin Bowyer
3 Christmas Pieces: No. 3, Piece on Four Legs - Kevin Bowyer
Varied Pieces for Service Use: No. 1, Chorale - Kevin Bowyer
Varied Pieces for Service Use: No. 2, Recessional - Kevin Bowyer
Varied Pieces for Service Use: No. 3, Blue Elegy - Kevin Bowyer
Varied Pieces for Service Use: No. 4, Toccatina - Kevin Bowyer
Varied Pieces for Service Use: No. 5, Lied - Kevin Bowyer
Varied Pieces for Service Use: No. 6, Sortie - Kevin Bowyer
Prelude, Interlude & Toccata: I. Prelude - Kevin Bowyer
Prelude, Interlude & Toccata: II. Interlude - Kevin Bowyer
Prelude, Interlude & Toccata: III. Toccata - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: I. Prelude & Short Fugue - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: II. Gradual - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: III. Scherzo on Tiptoe - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: IV. Recession - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: V. Offertoire - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: VI. Carillon - Kevin Bowyer
Pedals ad lib: VII. Hymn - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: I. Kyrie - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: II. Gloria - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: III. Credo - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: IV. Crucifixus - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: V. Et resurrexit - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: VI. Sanctus - Kevin Bowyer
Moods of the Mass: VII. Agnus Dei - Kevin Bowyer
3 Variations on "Liebster Jesu": Var. 1 - Kevin Bowyer
3 Variations on "Liebster Jesu": Var. 2 - Kevin Bowyer
3 Variations on "Liebster Jesu": Var. 3 - Kevin Bowyer
Recent Transcriptions from Ensemble Pieces: No. 1, Hard Road - Kevin Bowyer
Recent Transcriptions from Ensemble Pieces: No. 2, Passacaglia of Time - Kevin Bowyer
Recent Transcriptions from Ensemble Pieces: No. 3, Berceuse - Kevin Bowyer
Recent Transcriptions from Ensemble Pieces: No. 4, Lullaby - Kevin Bowyer
Recent Transcriptions from Ensemble Pieces: No. 5, Blue Dawn - Kevin Bowyer
Recent Transcriptions from Ensemble Pieces: No. 6, Pastiche. Thomas's Measure - Kevin Bowyer
Sad Piece for Fritz - Kevin Bowyer
2 Fusions: No. 1, Jazz Trio - Kevin Bowyer
2 Fusions: No. 2, Fugal Rag - Kevin Bowyer
Chaconne & Celebration: I. Chaconne - Kevin Bowyer
Chaconne & Celebration: II. Celebration - Kevin Bowyer