Push is a rock band from Tucson, AZ. When you hear their music, you hear their rock and blues roots. The music comes off with a directness and unpretentious nature characteristic of their background in rock music. When asked how they came to the name the band, founder and guitarist Dan says he was looking for a simple, single word that meant "moving forward" and Push was born.
A review from, "Thy Demons Be Scribblin," writes; "Push deliver a style which can best be described as electric charged, energetic hard rock (similar to Buck Cherry) an act with a style I didn’t think I’d be witnessing in this event which brings me to the second and more important point…I actually liked them more than I thought I would.
Jon Cornely, vocalist, has a definite presence and voice talents that one cannot ignore. Overall a fantastic combination of fluid melodies, clean vocals and undeniable talent.
Push perform with confidence and captivate, if only other acts would take note, their delivery is powerful and the style thoug