MKR MUSIC Presents
Artist: El Vuitto Acayi
Release Title: Bless
Catalog Number: MKRM020
Written & Composed by : El Vuitto Acayi
Produced & Arranged by : El Vuitto Acayi
Recorded at : MKR MUSIC Studios
Special thanks to God for making it possible, my family, my real friends, my supporters for always being loyal and supportive, this one is for you all please get your copy and enjoy, your support is highly appreciated. Godbless!
Special thanks to MKR Music team, Sandy Boy, Lia, Didi Rems for being part of this project it wasn't easy but iv managed to put it together, not forgetting Ds Figo & Clyde Zeibs for allowing me to remix their tracks that are included in this release.
Social Networks
Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/MKR-MUSIC-706594789420925/ e-mail address : mkrmusic03@gmail.com
Twitter: @MKR_MUSIC_SA / @EarlVuittoAcayi
Instagram: elvuittoacayi
(c) MKR MUSIC (PTY) Ltd 2016
(P) MKR MUSIC (PTY) Ltd 2016