Non Basta

Non Basta

Great Latin Pop sung in Italian. This is the first album of Isabella and is fresh and strong. The sound is now! And the lyrics are a very special journey to the womanhood of the third millennium. in the lyrics of that nine songs all the feelings and stories of a young girl. (translations available soon!)

When we wrote the song for her we were looking for a fresh, sophisticated sound with great music and neat arrangement but easy, for a 18th years old girl. We feel we did that. (MAX)

Just a few words about the production team:
The lyrics and most of the hooks are supplied by Gabriella Rinaldi. She has her own career as a singer and many of you has heard her as HONDY (a huge UK success in the late '90 that reached top 10 in the UK charts an #1 il all the club charts), She also work under the name of ALIA and with the grouo ZOOMING ON THE ZOO. She is my singing teacher and my guide.
Most of the music and all the arranging, production and recordings are made by Massimo Carola, Max as his friends call him. His d
