How Can You Stop Stuttering?  Use the D.A.M. Strategy!

How Can You Stop Stuttering? Use the D.A.M. Strategy!

Michael Williams has a real passion for people and technology. With a serious background in ministry, social services and technology, he is able to integrate the very best from these fields into each and every service he delivers. He is the founder of The Place to Learn, Corp. and serves his community as a Professor at Hillsborough Community College and as a relationship coach with You&Me, a program of Family Resources, Inc.

A Personal Story. . .

Michael was left by his birth mother in the hospital and was finally taken into a wonderful family at the age of 6 months. He owes his life, character and drive to his family and upbringing in the church where he learned the value of having an intimate relationship with God.

His journey took him through an Upward Bound program at the University of Pennsylvania where he developed a desire, the skills and confidence to attend college on a 3-year R.O.T.C. scholarship. Eventually he discovered that he was being called into the ministry. But there was one problem. . .
