mimosa|moize are sound artists Martin Thompson and Lucia H. Chung working together and respectively in exploring their common interests of minimal sound, resonance, sound art, sound installation and acoustic ecology.
mimosa is the artisitc name of Lucia H. Chung who is a Taiwanese sound artist based in London. Trained as a visual artist, one of mimosa's interests is to explore the relationship between sound and visual objects. Applying the concepts of background and perspectvie to her sound works, mimosa examines those background sounds that people normally 'overlook' and create work from them. She is a keen sound listener and collector.
Martin Thompson is UK, London based sound artist moize. His solo sound work explores his interests of minimal sound, resonance and the sustaining of sound, presenting much of his work as almost static or still sound. Also with keen interests in acoustic ecology and phonography, these can be found partly as themes in his work.
About Seiren.
Inspired by the image of the me