Grateful For
“《Grateful For》是我心中‘两个我’的对话:一个是幼时在密歇根湖游泳的中西部孩子,另一个是最终来到洛杉矶的音乐人。我热爱那些在密歇根度过的夏天,与朋友和家人一起,在树林中迷路,在湖边度过漫长的时光。这就是我成长的印记。但我发现自己又被加利福尼亚那温暖的怀抱所吸引,我的艺术在那里得到了释放。这首歌表达的是对这段不断塑造我的旅程的感激之情。”BØRNS如是说。‘
Grateful For’ is a conversation between two parts of me: the Midwestern kid who grew up swimming in Lake Michigan and the wandering artist who eventually made it to Los Angeles. I loved those Michigan summers, with friends and family, getting lost in the woods and long days by the lake. That is what I’m made of. But I find myself called back to the warm embrace of California where my art was liberated. This song is about finding gratitude for the journey that keeps shaping me." EP out in January.