推薦文 review
Highly recommended by De Kai Chou, vice president of American Naturopathic Medical Association and CEO of Far East Region
音樂療法之所以有轉化聽者情志的能力,就在於音樂的同質原理, 著者以其親身經歷的體驗,借助上蒼給予的靈感,譜成這些曲目,對於曾經心靈遭受過創傷的人來說,自有其一定之功效。
Music therapy has the capability to transform the emotions of its listeners. It is homogenous and derives from its composer's spiritual experiences and inspirations which help to transcend those who have gone through emotional pain and distress.
蔡明興醫生 美國脊骨神經醫學博士 Christopher M. Tsai, B.Sci, DC ,Doctor of Chiropractic
很好的音樂作品! 這音樂有助於身、心、靈的療癒過程,讓我們的身體自體內重新連結,當我運用這音樂在做情緒平衡調理(Network Spinal Analysis)個案時,這音樂會加速磁場波動,讓身體更快復原。 當孩子在課業學習上有無法集中精神的狀況時,這音樂也是有幫助的。 高度推薦給做有關身體自我修復力治療的治療師或醫生使用。
Great composition! It helps the the healing process of the mind, body and soul; allowing our body to reconnect with our body’s own innate. Utilizing the music during Network Spinal Analysis helps speed up the entrainment process allowing the body to heal faster. Kids who have difficul