So Strong

So Strong

Lots of great stuff coming up on Soul Mjuzieek Digital over the next months and here is another belter of a track, courtesy of Maph & Boyd!

The Deep'n'Dirty Mix was featured on Mjuzieek's Beach House Volumen 1 compilation a few weeks back, and got some fantastic feedback, and is now backed with the unreleased Deep Room Mix and Funky Room Mix!

The names are saying it all, so you know what to expect from those mixes, all featuring the fantastic vocals of Michael Harding aka Mr. Maph,who's not a newcomer to out labels if you are following us closely!

Beautiful Housemusic at it's best, and mixes for various tastes make this an essential for man people's bags...

Not much more to be said, except the usual: LISTEN, DONWLOAD and PLAY IT OUT LOUD in the clubs and your radio shows!
