Macropyre / Rhoo
Jective is back, and stronger than ever! Fat base is his signature and darker deep atmosphere is his own way. For some time he was quiet just to prepare something new for you and here he is with brand new e including two nicely done progressive pieces: Rhoo & Macropyre.
Macropyre brings in the deep baseline creating the right clubby atmosphere preparing you for melody part. It comes in smoothly. Strings push in and here we go to breakdown. Just close your eyes and give it a go. Feelings raise up to the maximum and you can explode in euphoria when the drop kicks in.
Rhoo is nice melodic addition to the EP. very positive atmosphere throughout the tune will surely create a smile on any broken soul. Whole tune builds up step by step taking you trough the world of Jective's own imagination. So jump on the train taking you to Rhoo.