Drawn By Gravity
WTD EP 003 brings noise and metallic samples put together by Flaminia and Train. The EP gets its name from the role that gravitational force plays on the earth. Even if no human being can see it, the force exists and is inescapable.
Trains 'No time left (broken core)' pushes the boundaries of the audible dynamic range. An ever moving distorted kick borrowed from industrial hardcore keeps the pace, while a whole of sounds alternates throughout the track. The author purposely defines it as brokencore, starting a new different style.
Flaminias 'Try to sync me' is an antidj tool dark journey. Try to play it and you will realise why. The atmosphere creates something deep that touches your head like... a hammer. Pulsating kick leaves space only to some scattered sloppy lead, just to come back and push again every time. This is in full Ways to Die joker style and we are happy to be releasing the track after long time trying to find a suitable occasion.
'MFtM 27' by Train is an experiment, part of a bigger 30-tracks project by the artist. The tune sounds like a press machinery on the brink of tilt. High end frequency keep a more or less regular flow, while the kick disrespect the 4/4 dancefloor rules.
'Tunnel' by Flaminia is made in the signature modern-industrial style of the artist. A church chorus in the background reminds of ancient rituals while the elegantly distorted kick establish a broken yet straightforward rhythm. Background noises accompany the listeners like a chain would hold on to a prisoner.
'How many nights
and how many days
will need to go by
before we find our ways?
Is it too late or too early,
does it matter, really?