Les Misérables (The Complete Symphonic Recording)
Prologue - Gary Beach&Tim Bowman&Reece Holland&Jordan Bennett&Raymond Saar&Diedre Forrest&Glynn Kerslake&James Francis Johnson&Julian Forsyth&Peter Gantenbein&Ken Caswell&Bruce Winant&"Les Misérables" International Cast&Gary Morris&Philip Quast
Valjean's Soliloquy (What Have I Done?) - Gary Morris
I Dreamed A Dream - Debbie Byrne
Lovely Ladies - Gary Beach&Raymond Saar&Bruce Winant&Beverley Klein&Debbie Byrne&Jackie Marks&Ian Dring&Wendy Pollock&Susie Fenwick&Kay Cole&"Les Misérables" International Cast
Fantine's Arrest - Martin Smith&Debbie Byrne&Philip Quast&Gary Morris
The Runaway Cart - Gary Morris&Bruce Winant&Philip Quast&"Les Misérables" International Cast
Who Am I? / The Trial - Gary Morris
Fantine's Death - Debbie Byrne&Gary Morris
The Confrontation - Philip Quast&Gary Morris
Master Of The House - Kay Cole&Tim Bowman&Jordan Bennett&Raymond Saar&Bruce Winant&Annie Marie Runolesson&Stephen Breithaupt&"Les Misérables" International Cast&Gary Beach&Barry James
The Bargain / The Waltz of Treachery - Gary Morris&Gay Soper&Barry James&Tracy Shayne
Look Down - Ross McCall&Jill Martin&Jackie Marks&Don Gallagher&Anthony Warlowe&Michael Ball&"Les Misérables" International Cast
The Robbery / Javert's Intervention (Another Brawl) - Barry James&Gay Soper&Michael Ball&Kaho Shimada&Gary Morris&Philip Quast
Stars - Philip Quast&Ross McCall
Eponine's Errand - Kaho Shimada&Michael Ball
The ABC Café / Red and Black - Tim Bowman&William Solo&Jordan Bennett&Anthony Warlowe&Reece Holland&Stephen Breithaupt&Bruce Winant&"Les Misérables" International Cast&Ross McCall&Michael Ball&Kenny D'Aquila
Rue Plumet / In My Life - Tracy Shayne&Gary Morris&Michael Ball&Kaho Shimada
A Heart Full Of Love - Michael Ball&Tracy Shayne&Kaho Shimada
The Attack On Rue Plumet - Kaho Shimada&Jordan Bennett&Barry James&Gary Beach&Peter Gantenbein&Tracy Shayne&Michael Ball&Gary Morris&Bruce Winant
At the Barricade (Upon These Stones) - Anthony Warlowe&Philip Quast&Bruce Winant&Kenny D'Aquila&Stephen Breithaupt&Michael Ball&Gary Morris&Kaho Shimada
On My Own - Kaho Shimada
Building The Barricade - Michael Ball&Anthony Warlowe&Kenny D'Aquila&Tim Bowman&Jordan Bennett&William Solo&"Les Misérables" International Cast
Javert's Arrival - Rich Herbert&Anthony Warlowe&Philip Quast&"Les Misérables" International Cast
Little People - Ross McCall&Kenny D'Aquila&Bruce Winant&Anthony Warlowe&Jordan Bennett&Kaho Shimada&William Solo&Reece Holland&Tim Bowman&Michael Ball&Philip Quast&Stephen Breithaupt
A Little Fall Of Rain - Kaho Shimada&Michael Ball&Anthony Warlowe&Tim Bowman&Bruce Winant&Stephen Breithaupt
Night Of Anguish - Reece Holland&Gary Morris&Kenny D'Aquila&Tim Bowman&"Les Misérables" International Cast
First Attack - Anthony Warlowe&William Solo&Stephen Breithaupt&Kenny D'Aquila&Philip Quast&Gary Morris&"Les Misérables" International Cast
Drink With Me - William Solo&Bruce Winant&Reece Holland&Kenny D'Aquila&Michael Ball&"Les Misérables" International Cast
Bring Him Home - Gary Morris
Dawn Of Anguish - Anthony Warlowe&William Solo&"Les Misérables" International Cast
The Second Attack (Death of Gavroche) - Anthony Warlowe&William Solo&Michael Ball&Gary Morris&Ross McCall&Reece Holland&Stephen Breithaupt
The Final Battle - Rich Herbert&Anthony Warlowe&Tim Bowman&Jordan Bennett
The Sewers / Dog Eats Dog - Barry James&Gary Morris&Philip Quast
Javert's Suicide - Philip Quast
Turning - "Les Misérables" International Cast
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - Michael Ball&Tracy Shayne&Kaho Shimada
Every Day (Marius and Cosette) - Tracy Shayne&Michael Ball&Gary Morris
Valjean's Confession - Gary Morris&Michael Ball&Tracy Shayne&Kaho Shimada&Anthony Warlowe&"Les Misérables" International Cast&Barry James&Philip Quast
The Wedding Chorale / Beggars At the Feast - Graham Gill&Michael Ball&Barry James&Gay Soper&Gary Morris&Debbie Byrne&Tracy Shayne&Kaho Shimada&"Les Misérables" International Cast