99 Cent Dreams

99 Cent Dreams

Makar (Mah-Kar) is a 15th century Scottish term meaning Poet and also a dark and groovy little New York band. An acoustic guitar and piano driven indie-rock band that makes Punk and Poet rejoice and dance together.

Makar began with Mark looking for a band to join as a singer and finding nothing appealing, so Andrea said "why don't you write your own songs?" So he did! But Andrea kept butting in and adding her 2 cents, so Mark said, "why don't you write a song?" So she did. And that's where it all began!

Makar consists of Andrea DeAngelis, co-singer/songwriter/guitarist from New Jersey and Mark Purnell, co-singer/songwriter/pianist from New York.

Beginning in 2002-03, Makar played their first, nail-biting, exciting NY gigs at places like Luna Lounge, CBGBs gallery, Knitting Factory and Pianos and began recording their 18-song debut album, 99 Cent Dreams, on July 14, 2002 at Multiway Studios in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

In 2005 the debut album, 99 Cent Dreams, arrived and Makar went to work promoting the
