Production Music #1: Horror

Production Music #1: Horror

DEREK FREY, e.g., licensed Bjarne O.'s music through AudioSparx (Associate Producer: Tim Burton's CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, CORPSE BRIDE and SWEENY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET- Co-Producer: the critically acclaimed FRANKENWEENIE, among others.)


Nice modern sound:
The opening somewhat reminds me of a modernist view of plainchant really cool effect. This song is in no hurry to go anywhere but that's ok as it seems to constantly solidify the mood of a mix between 20th century music and ancient polyphonic church choir styles. Very interesting piece I would certainly have to listen to it multiple times to catch all the little nuences well done!
- sparker, Vermillion, South Dakota, July 23rd, 2005

Very nice piece...
I was surprised when I actually heard a song in this category that was classical. There are very few in this category that are actually classical and the ones who are are are being beat out by country, ambient, and other misplaced genres, which is sad. I really enjoyed
