


Released mini-album "word" in just over 10 months to December 2012 his solo album "From Mark" ... about a year after the singer Ha Dong Kyun.

Caused a fresh wave of many listeners in the past "From Mark" album, including many critic Ha Dong Kyun of album through his musical colors ... That last album released by the music I like to embellish their "musical autobiography" transient heart Following the album made ??the album also found to be honest and sincere heart.

Just "hearing" and "speculation" as the album hoping hoping for the same transient heart made ??away with greed, as well as his own songwriting and producing to take a long time only to encounter a story with a lot of musicians and musical and true than any description being that their colors creating a whole as a singer-songwriter. I hope one day asked, seemed to "wonder what happened to him? Have any critics who give the answer to that question is still hope in the heart of many of the album this fall.


