God & Me, God in Me

God & Me, God in Me

This Christian Album has so many wonderful heartfelt songs on it, they will inspire you and uplift you. God & Me , God In Me is about letting God be in your life and letting others see God In You. One Day is what we always say we are gonna do -- things that we never get done because we don't take the time to do them and then it's too late... I will build My Church - simply awesome ! That's The Power of Love will overcome the Love of power will definitely make you think ! When There's Death There's Life -- when one thing ends , another begins. Speak Where The Bible Speaks basically says it all...
The Lord's Church was Not Man Made It was made by God. 3 Nails 1 Cross = 4 Given We all know this one....
Life Don't last that Long-- do everything you want to do and say everything you want to say before it's too late
What If-- makes you think about things that happen every day... This album is a must have so download yours today !
