My life was a turbulent conundrum during the writing and recording
of ‘Sassafrass’ I was just coming to closure with yet another tumul-
tuous relationship (that ended badly), a few of my immediate family
members were stricken with serious health issues, I was betrayed
by a couple of close friends over women and money, I’d lost my job,
I couldn’t afford proper studio time, I had two cars repossessed and
fell bed ridden ill for weeks with both the flu and acute pneumonia.
Murphy’s law was in full effect.
The contradiction kicked in when I realized that the worse my circum-
stances were, the more prolific my song writing was. Half of many
of the songs on ‘Sassafrass’ and all of both ‘Catwalk In Paris’ and
‘Apasionado’ were literally recorded in bed with an overhead mic
and my instruments in my lap. Which is why in the album credits I
indicate that mostly post-production was done at Phantom. I often
rushed the work I recorded at Phantom. And though, I didn’t always
think so, I now find its rawness appealing.
I spent as much time watching the clock as I did recording when I
was in the studio... even though Darryl often gave me a break on the
rates. My technical knowledge of mixing (and especially mastering)
paled in comparison to where I am now and I think it showed in the
final product. Still, for all of its technical imperfections, ‘Sassafrass’
remains a superiorly creative sentimental favorite of my mine, my
family’s, friends and admirers of my work.
Years after its initial release and regional success it is still a consistent
seller... for that I am appreciative and proud. Even though, ‘Sassafrass’
was the last time I recorded my music outside of my own recording
facility, I am forever grateful to Darryl Mosely and Eddie West for their
(above and beyond business) considerations and friendship.
This music possibly saved my life and certainly saved my soul. Thus,
the title ‘Sassafrass’ is evocative of a homemade tea that my parents
would sometimes serve when I was a child. I liked it because it tasted
like root beer (my then favorite soda), but it also served a medicinal
purpose. Analogous to this album, I wanted to create music that was
both entertaining and cathartic. For all the tribulations that it took to
manifest this album into a material state, I would suffer it all again to be
able to share my sassafras tea with you. Salute.