Love Language

Love Language

Singing love songs has been a longtime passion of mine - one that I've kept on lock for years because I allowed the ‘Traditions of Men’ and the opinions of others - particularly those who share my faith - to devalue this form of expression. There are some in the African American Christian Community who believe that singing about anything other than Gospel is a sin. It has always amazed me how we can talk of love but we can’t sing of love. If God is love, why can’t we sing about those things that pertain to love? Whether it’s the pleasure of love, the pain of love, the certainty and uncertainty of love, or the full gamut of love - LOVE is the universal link that connects us to God and all mankind.

Music conveys the message of love in a way that mere words simply cannot express - as phrased in my song, “More Than U Know,” I sing: ‘Don’t know how to express my passion, so I’ll sing it in this song.’ Love Language is a collaboration of songs that will inspire love, awaken love, and make you love.

Much thanks to the creator of love Himself - Jehovah, to my awesome wife who allows me to be me; to my only son, Alex for your inspiration and timely suggestions; again, to my one-of-a-kind cousin, Jonathan (Cuz) Dubose for the licks that took my songs to another level; to Tim Gilchrist, one of my covenant brothaz; to Kenny Wells, James Barrett, Tim Anderson, and Charles (Ant) Bowman for your much appreciated contributions; and finally to all those who know me and love me for me, I love you for you too!!!
