Land of Tigers

Land of Tigers

Metaphysical Reviews calls Land of Tigers "..emotional." For nearly an hour this album will take you to a special place where the Tiger lives. A slight Asian flavor added to an orchestral sound, stirred with guitars, drums and piano, creates a masterpiece of instrumental music. All 12 tracks are about and dedicated to, the Tiger. This beautiful animal is predicted to be extinct in less than ten years, eliminated by its only preditor, man.

In Light Times Magazine says, "Here is music written from the heart."

"The music is dramatic and paced like a stalking animal." Ben Ohmart, Music Dish Reviews.

The Tiger on the album cover and tray is Tigger, a male Siberian Tiger who lives in a wild animal sanctuary. It was an honor (and quite a rush) to walk beside this creature during a photo shoot, Tigger was only on a leash! It was at this sanctuary that the fate of the Tiger was learned. MagMusic is donating a portion of the proceeds of this album to the Save The Tiger Fund, hoping in a small way we can help the Tiger to survive.

Some of the tracks have a movie soundtrack feel, like "Tigers In The Sun" others may be haunting or powerful but overall, this music is peaceful. Soothing after a bad day, during the rush hour commute or enjoyable on a trip. This music will entertain you today, next month and next year, you will get your money's worth.

"Land of Tigers" sold 11 copies in only four hours at the new album release day at the Borders Books & Music store in Niles, Ohio. The people were drawn to the sound of this music and were buying it at $15.95. This album is now in over 150 Borders stores in 40 U.S. states but you can get it here and save $.
