Just Sayin

Just Sayin

This isn't the song that I'd like to be releasing to you. The song (and album) I'd LIKE to be releasing is about how successful I am, how confident I am in my abilities, and how deeply convinced I am that my music is worth your time and attention. This is not that song. When I started writing, I set out to create an album that would outdo everything I had done previously....and the more I tried to do so, the less I found myself able to say. In that empty space I found myself faced with the fear underneath that… that I'm a fake, a failure, and that no one else cares about the music that matters so much to me. Definitely not the voice that I would choose to write with, but there it was pouring out of me, song after song. I decided to give in to that, and opened myself up to whatever came through. The songs took shape, and gradually became something I took pride in. The messages felt honest, given that they came from who I truly was, rather than an image I was trying to present for anyone else's benefit. And so, "Just Sayin" was born....not the album that some part of me might like it to be, but definitely the album that I am right now. Some things just can't be controlled I guess....



