

Space Pilot is a song inspired by the journey to individuality and self-acceptance. Just like Space is a place where many people desire to go but only very few have actually been to, the feeling of embracing your individuality is also a place where many people would love to get to, but don't have the means of doing so. No amount of money can get you there, and sometimes we need a pilot to guide us on our journey. In "Space Pilot", I am offering to be the stewardess on this amazing journey into the unknown and inviting people to trust me to help them arrive to their destination safely. In space, gravity is so different that it almost feels as if you're not yourself and it's almost instinctive to fight against the gravitational pull of being ourselves, but if we fight against it we'll get blown away. It's only after we accept the force that is always pulling us to be ourselves that we are able to fly into space, and it is an experience like no other. With "Space Pilot" I want to guide as many people to that wonderful experience as possible, and all it takes is for people to put their trust in me.


