Dreams of An Underground Rapper
"Dreams of an Underground Rapper" is the THIRD AND FINAL album of the "Underground Rapper" trilogy series created by Ambridge,PA self-made emcee...NOVA.
The most cohesive and emotionally driven lyrical disc in the album series catalog..."Dreams of an Underground Rapper" delves into the mind, life, and heart of a young emcee on the brink of achieving the ultimate dream of an underground artist.....GETTING SIGNED.
But along the way comes tales of excitement, deceit, betrayal, parties, breakdowns, self-doubt, fear, revalation, soul-searching, misunderstanding, reflection, and enlightenment!!! An amazing ride NOBODY whom is a fan of Hip Hop...or music in general...should miss!!!
Track 1: The Dream
.....after falling into a deep sleep....NOVA is an empty house...sun beaming through the bedroom windows....on a FRIDAY morning unlike any other.
This record which was produced by ARSON AMAZING is a record that is the dream of many unsigned artist....that phone call....somebody signs you. Of course it's merely the start of many different emotions to come in the album. But with this track I wanted to drive home the EXCITEMENT of feeling like....WHAT IF that really happened??? WHAT IF all it took...was a phone call...??? WHAT IF.....
Track 2: Accountability
....after realization sets in.....many come with hands out after denying NOVA for many years....and after never supporting him....now those whom doubted feel the wrath of a now self-made superstar.
In track 2: Accountability...produced by me, NOVA, I felt the album needed a bit more anger....there is a certain amount of hate that comes with any amount of success. Many will hate for the simple fact they cannot do what it is you've been able to...or...ARE currently doing. In this particular track it's almost a message to anyone hoping to get on. NOBODY has done this FOR ME. I BUILT THIS....and no one gave a handout....and in fact......more people were looking to eat off my dream than anything else. Just addressing the issue of how much work it PERSONALLY TAKES to get to where you want to go. That birden rests alone upon the shoulders of the emcee in Pittsburgh.
Track 3: Fire WOO
....arriving at a late night club.....NOVA meets a beautiful woman with seductive moves that could light ANY MAN'S FIRE.....and the spoils of success begin......THE WOMEN....
On "Fire WOO"....self-produced by me.....I wanted to go to the club. PERIOD. I imagined that feeling you get when you see an AMAZING woman there and she just really has a way about her. When you become successful...or your name gets out more....it seems more women want to spend time with you....and me having the simple heart I have....fell in love with the wrong one.....
Track 4: Mad About It
...the beautiful woman...turned into a relationship that eventually overstayed it's welcome. While NOVA thought it was everything he could've asked for.....it's was nothing more than glimmer of hope. That unfortunately ended in tragedy.
Very personal one here. Produced by NESIA BEATZ...."Mad About It" actually examines a previous relationship I had with a woman.....we had met in a very simple way...similar to meeting a woman in a club. Things grew...we became very close...considered children...the marriage thing....but it ended on a rainy night.....and ended forever. The closing of the song is to drive home the metaphor of the end of a relationship that means everything......when it ends.......a piece of you dies....forever.
Track 5: Taxi
....leaving the scene of sorrow.....uncontrollably swimming through his own memories and confusions.....NOVA calls for a Taxi....one that would drive him out of his misery....
The BRILLIANTLY produced track by ARSON AMAZING...really is the voice of me personally wanting to escape somehow. With all the different issues...and thoughts....and feelings...and emotions....sometimes you just wish SOMEBODY...ANYBODY could come and get you. I felt I had to go to the soul lyrically on this one...and I definitely did. I don't know where my life road is taking me....it's like I'm on some crazy a** dark winding road in the middle of nowhere...and LORD KNOWS I need somebody else to drive me out of there.....from Women...to my personal goals.......it' all has become heavy a time or two now.....this was a great stress reliver to write and record.
Track 6: Certified Niggas
.....they define a ni**a by his clothes...his hood status.....his income status....his women....his lifestyle of luxury. You are a Certified Ni**a if you hustle...or if you slang....or if you are balling....or if you are of the street....Standing for what he believed in...NOVA took a stand at a local park...
On Certified....produced by me.....it was all about seeing what everybody sees...and listening and accepting that everybody has this definition of what keeping it "REAL" is.....and...accepting and realizing that I have A COMPLETELY different outlook and ideal....I don't believe in that way....I don't believe in that sound...that talk...that life. And they can say who I am all the f**k they want. "I'm not REAL"...."I'm not HOOD".....I AM THE HOOD SURVIVED. I represent a side of the world that many don't ever speak of because they want to be considered a "Certified Ni**a".....well if that's what defines a "Certified Ni**a'.....a "Certified Ni**a" is NOT ME. I took a stand on this record.
Track 7: Want To Be So Fly
....when it all falls away...and the bare essentials are examined.....it's about who you really are that determines who the people really remember. Sometimes that is lost...in the Want....To be so fly....
Obviously...the mega hit of the album...."Want To Be So Fly".....produced by me, NOVA,.....this record really was about how everybody wants to be so fly....and I took it upon myself to MOCK that of the everyday emcee....the everyday guy who just wants to do what EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING. It was at this point in my personal career...I realized. I want to be MICOL......and that is ALL NOVA IS.....it's Micol with a much more intense personification on record. You get a feeling of me just making a full on mockery of what is percived in today's society as success....On a side note: I LOVED doing the Fruity Loops guitars in this one....I really hit it hard with this one....changed my whole production style in one record....LOVE THE ENDING STILL TO THIS DAY!!
Track 8: Talking To Myself
...And when the lights go dim...and the audience dissappears...and all you have is your thoughts......all you have.....is you.
WOW......I cannot say enough about "Talking to Myself" produced by NOVA......Best.Record on the album. PERIOD. It is the most real....most personal....most introspective....most reflective....most inspiring....most alluring music I may of ever made. I looked myself in the mirror...after you say what you say about everything...you look at yourself...and you MAN UP. Are you SURE you are happy with who you really are??? It's at THIS MOMENT...you become...WHO YOU WERE MEANT to become. I had that moment writing "Talking to Myself"......I cried...I wrote...I recorded. And it will stand for A LONG TIME...as the most important record I've ever written for my career.
Track 9: Gon' Head
....They hate NOVA now......women have hurt him....the "friends" have moved on to worse lives.....and the people don't understand him.....you have to let go of what only holds you back.......
Produced by me...GON HEAD....is me being as REAL as possible on a very BLACK AND WHITE scale. This is fact...this is reality. This is why I am who I am...how I am...and why I chose what I've chosen. I told the worst of my life...to "Gon Head"...and I made a CONCIOUS choice to be the better man that GOD intended me to be. As simple and factual a record as you'll find from me. It really added that 4th dimension to the record....I LOVE this jam when I'm driving the highway!!!
Track 10: Runaway
....and as the world around him closes in on his former self.....the dream falters.....and everything seems to be crashing in on itself. He runs.....NOVA runs until there is nothing left in his lungs.....and then....he WAKES UP.
A spiritual record as well as mental. Produced by me...."Runaway" is really the track that brings the album to a head. If you go through the whole disc and see that this whole thing is like a mental game.....a mental toy that really is like a 'prison' almost that keeps you stuck in the ways...keeps you stuck beneath....keeps you merely as a "DREAMER".....you run. You look whereever you can for an opening...and you run. I made this record....I felt the running of the keys...and I ran.....I ran because I don't know how long I'll be sleep....but i don't want to sleep too long....and miss my chance to wake up ....WAKE UP...AND SEE THE DREAM...TO REALITY. The track ends with an alarm clock ticking and me still in bed on that same Friday that the album began in....
I LOVED making this record...and I hope you guys enjoy listening to and sharing it as much as I did making it!!!