

Pull Your Pants Up! Don't Bully. Geography. The Lincoln Rap. Read All Summer.... Six 8 flatlined in 2006 from a lymphomesenteric cyst that ruptered inside of him. He wanted to make something so that his children would have their father's life lessons incase anything like that ever happened again. He was already well known for writing the "Head Start Rap" and decided to make a CD for his kids. Once the music was created, his oldest son (Davion) took the CD to his elementary school. The teacher heard it, then the principal heard it, she thought EVERYONE should hear it, and Six 8 became a phenomenon in the Midwest.

One day the national news featured Six 8 on a broadcast, and the rest is history. He has been touring the USA ever since with his motivational / educational hip-hop. Children LOVE this music and really respond to it. This album took five years to create mostly due to medical proceedures. Over the years, this CD has turned into one of the most powerful educational tools available to youth of all ages.
