WCA: Division 3 (Explicit)

WCA: Division 3 (Explicit)

This album is a true alliance of artist from all over the Western region of the U.S The executive production was handled by none other than the Kreeper himself of S&SMG Inc.
The first track is from G-No out of Las Vegas Nevada.
The second track is from Tone THa Bishop out of Las Vegas Nevada.
The third track is by Najae and Spider out of Compton
The fourth track is by Ave Stars out of South Central
The fifth track is from Sacrifice out of East South Central
The 6th track is from Wuce out of the Mid West
The 7th track is from Semi-Auto out of Denver Colorado
The 8th track is from Camp Bully out of South Central
The 9th track is from Ed Wriott out of South Central
The 10th track is from Sacrifice
The 11th track is from Najae
The 12th track is from Tone Tha Bishop in Las Vegas Nevada
The 13th track is from Semi Auto out of Denver Colorado
The 14th track is from Wuce out of the Mid West
The 15th track is from Tone Tha Bishop out of Las Vegas, Nevada
