Water of Life

Water of Life

Matt Stewart was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, and later in his teenage years graduated from Lamar High School in Arlington, Texas. Matt later graduated from Bethany University in Santa Cruz, California, and he and his family have lived in the bay area ( N. California) ever since. His family consists of his wife Lori, son Chase, daughter Skye, and son Ryder. Matt started being involved in music at age 10, when his father bought him his first drum set. A few years later at age 15 he turned the drums over to his brother Sam and pursued playing the guitar. Ever since then, the call to music has been loud and clear. Matt began leading worship at age 16 in his local youth group that ran 200 students, and the desire to go deeper into music consumed him. In 1992 the band Flipside was formed , made up of Matt Stewart, Sam Stewart, Tim Stewart, & Chris Gatmaitan. Flipside toured all over the West Coast of the United States & across seas to the Carribean, playing to thousands of people. In 1997 Flipside was selected w
