

[Night of Seoul] was doing was damat various emotions he felt lonely and felt others is such a little person coming in to do another life I felt alone in the Taj goerigam, 'YK' own feelings and not others might have felt sufficiently consider the story was called to work. While away from home and we've been busy with no margin think one day in the city of Seoul magnetic moment feels like something off your own self-east when he saw his favorite figure, coming feelings at that moment. Lyrics personal story itself, but a lot of people hear these songs aim to allow the sympathy of the story as if they have a job.Giseungjeongyeol have preferred if the songs had a clear so far, but this time I wanted to work on something that goes by the song that gives you the feeling is really hard until the end, while he cross many emotions as you said a moment farewell at the end of this song it has to work. "Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much for listening to my story. I happy.

