Medival Bbes
来自英国的Mediaeval Baebes(中世纪宝贝)------对中世纪音乐的迷恋和激情让她们走到一起,共同编织中世纪古典图腾,描绘世间纯洁的、美丽的、难忘的一切。\r \r 跟他们的名字一样,他们的音乐自然以中世纪音乐为主线,在众多的歌特乐团里,他们也有自己鲜明的特色,由一群貌美的姑娘组成,用古英语和拉丁文演唱沙士比亚年代的诗篇,专门演绎中世纪古曲的古乐合唱团.这样形式的合唱团风格更接近于New Age,少了金属和电子的成分,擅长以女声来渲染中世纪的迷情.同时也演绎着拉丁一派的民俗风情.由此可以看出,将此碟归类到New Age,Folk是合理的,而且个人也觉得将这样的音乐深藏在众多的流行作品里是对它的埋没.\r \r Mediaeval Baebes中世纪宝贝——在上帝的羽翼下生活\r \r 当我们提起中世纪的时候似乎总是和黑暗、蒙昧、冰冷、残酷等词联系在一起,中世纪已成了“黑暗时代”的代名词。事实上,这是一种对中世纪的误解。很多喜欢中世纪音乐的人通常会有两种选择,一种是gregory chant(格里高利圣咏),另一种是Darkwave和Gothic音乐。抛开圣咏不谈,Darkwave和Gothic音乐代表着黑暗和粗野的艺术风格,但并不代表整个中世纪的世俗性性音乐,它们只是其中的一部分。作为中世纪的人的个体是以一种集体生活而存在的,他们的欢乐与悲伤都消磨在日常的劳作、修行、战争当中。通过中世纪那些节日庆典的游行、欢唱、舞蹈,或许我们能理解到中世纪并非那么黑暗。就象格茨在《欧洲中世纪生活》说的,“修道院中禁欲的团体生活有别于农庄农民的日常劳动生活。尽管这两者都因农家院落式的生活以及间或的高潮——节日和竞技——而引人注目;但是生活的愿望是相悖的:修道院使徒般的生活、骑士的荣誉习俗以及市民考虑收益的心态。被理想化了的规范在那个年代,常常只是超出习惯的例外。”中世纪的艺术以基督教的原罪为出发点,面对十字架上基督扭曲的面容,“它是有史以来最为谦卑的艺术。”(见北京大学出版社《营造上帝之城》) \r \r Mediaeval Baebes的音乐将带我们走出这个“黑暗”误区,让我们聆听到一个不一样的中世纪。 \r Mediaeval Baebes成立于1996年,由Miranda Sex Garden(米兰达性花园)的Katharine Blake聚集了另外11个漂亮的女孩儿组成了这个团。她们来自五湖四海,职业五花八门(包括摄影师,医生,程序员,学生,舞蹈演员……)。十二个女孩的造型性感冷艳,他们用古英语和拉丁文演唱那些古老的诗篇,演绎那些中世纪的古曲。这种集体合唱的方式正暗合了中世纪人们的集体生活方式,走过9年的时光,Mediaeval Baebes的成员变化比较大,由当初的12位减少到了现在的8位。最初的阵容走了6位Nicole Frobusch,Nichole Sleet,Ruth Galloway,Karen Lupton,Claire Ravel,Carmen Schneider,新进两位Maple Bee,Emily Ovenden。有人把她们叫做“圣堂辣妹”,这简直是一种亵渎。 \r \r 从音乐上来讲,Mediaeval Baebes是中世纪宗教性音乐和世俗性音乐的混合体,她们的音乐风格纯洁、欢快、祥和、美丽,当然也透露着些许忧伤,带着一丝宗教般的神秘性。宗教性是她们的根本,世俗性让她们的音乐平易近人,让我们通过聆听看到了那些中世纪人们的生活,那些莽莽苍苍的森林与缓缓流动的河流,那宁静的村庄升起袅袅的炊烟,以及在夜晚围着篝火跳舞的人们,他们的悲伤与欢乐,作为一种巨大的存在生活在上帝的羽翼之下。我想,这或许是中世纪集体日常生活音乐美学的特征\r \r The Mediaeval Baebes are one of world music's treasures. The vocal ensemble's exquisite storybook beauty came to life in 1996 when ex-Miranda Sex Garden chanteuse Katharine Blake aimed to set her fascination with the Middle Ages to music and theater. She and 11 additional musicians and singers -- Miranda Sex Garden's Teresa Casella, Audrey Evans, comic writer Marie Findley, Nicole Frobusch, Ruth Galloway, Karen Lupton, Claire Ravel, Australian native Cylindra Sapphire, Carmen Schneider, Nichole Sleet, and New Zealander Rachel Van Asch -- defined a contemporary musical approach while incorporating Middle Ages Paganism and spiritual moods and sentiments. Their 1997 debut, Salva Nos, was the fastest-selling debut from Virgin's classical distributor Venture, and became one of the most fantastic classical recordings of the year. \r \r Two years later, Worldes Blysse was released and that, too, became a success on the British charts. Third album Undrentide, which called upon production from the Velvet Underground's John Cale, was issued in fall 2000. Frobusch, Lupton, and Sleet had also left the Baebes family, and Blake's vision had scaled down to nine women. The newly downsized group kept on, scoring the music for the 2000 black comedy American Psycho. A fourth album, The Rose, followed in spring 2002. Named in honor of the Medieval symbol of love, the Baebes' linguistic wizardry was also tweaked. Aside from singing in Italian, Latin, German, Middle English, and Medieval French, the Baebes added Medieval Welsh and Russian to their musical palate. In fall 2003, the John Cale-produced -- and the group's first-ever holiday album -- Mistletoe and Wine was released, their fifth for Nettwerk. By the occasion of 2005's Mirabilis, the Baebes' lineup included Blake, Casella, Evans, Van Asch, Sapphire, Findley, and newcomers Maple Bee and Emily Ovenden. The album continued their mystical blend of ancient linguistics, folkloric tradition, and lush soundscapes.\r