

血肉果汁机,2006 年自台中发迹的乐团,音乐风格以DEATHCORE 和HARDCORE 为主,初期创作多以信仰文化为背景,道出台湾的人情世故、庙会出巡、社会治安等各层面的现实,也将电子与传统五声音阶等元素巧妙融合在重金属音乐之中。 曾参与过许多国际大型音乐祭演出,包括:香港CLOCKENFLAP、日本SUMMER SONIC、LOUD PARK 、和印尼最大型金属音乐祭Hammer Sonic...等。 专辑作品自2015 年推出首张专辑《GIGO》,即拿下第六届金音奖最佳摇滚专辑奖,其后也接连推出多首单曲作品同时进行国内外巡回演出。 2018年推出新专辑「深海童话」,即获得原创流行音乐大奖首奖和金音创作奖最佳现场演出奖项。隔年更以同张创作专辑荣获全美独立音乐奖的专辑封面针装设计国际大奖与入围第三十届金曲奖最佳乐团。 2021为血肉果汁机成军第15年,推出第三张全新专辑《GOLDEN 太子 BRO》,专辑概念以最初起点的『台中』为出发创作,保有一贯秋条的血肉味!该年以此作品一举获得第12届金音奖五项入围,且夺得「最佳现场演出奖」、「最佳乐团奖」、「最佳专辑奖」三项大奖,隔年更荣获第33届金曲奖最佳乐团肯定。 无论作品和现场演出,血肉果汁机皆带领台湾金属乐团创造更多元且意象不到的亮眼呈现,更是千人演唱会票房秒杀完售的票房保证。 Flesh Juicer was formed in Taiwan Taichung, 2006. Most of their songs are about Taiwanese traditional culture, social conventions, and temple parades. The melodic line in their music employs the traditional eastern pentatonic scale with the use of oriental instruments, such as Suona, Gongs, and drums. In 2015, Flesh Juicer released their first album – GIGO – and won the Best Rock Album award at the Golden Sound Award. They later released several EPs and performed at multiple international music festivals. In 2018, Flesh Juicer released Fairy Tales of Ocean Deep and was recognized for its work and live performances domestically. In addition to being nominated for Best Band at the Golden Melody Awards, the album cover was also recognized by the Independent Music Awards in the U.S. In 2021, Flesh Juicer welcomed their 15th anniversary and released their third album - GOLDEN TAIZI BRO. The concept of the album originated from "Taichung." In the same year, the album won the Golden Indie Music Award for Best Album, Best Live Performance, and Best Band, and also won the Golden Music Award for Best Band,making them the biggest winner of these year. They continue to enjoy incredible success.

