Q.U.A.K.E is the new project of two young and extremely promising music producers: the Israeli Netanel Asraf, who has been producing over the years as System Failure and Faders, and the Brazilian Diogo Andrade, know as DJ Automack.\r From the moment they first thought of making a project together, in September 2010, to the decision of turning it into reality, this duo has not stopped surprising the audience. And this is about to keep happening several times.\r \r Bringing their innovative and diverse musical visions into a unique and fascinating project, both producers became rapidly supported by huge names such as Armin Van Buuren, Paul Van Dyk e Gareth Emery, specially after the success of their track “Kick It”.\r \r In addition to that, remixes for Andrea Bertolini, Lish, Khainz, Elay Lazutkin, Ticon, Emok, Weekend Heroes and Sebastian Krieg, and the track “Fun & Sun” in a Astrix’s respected set, among other great happennings on their career, make of Q.U.A.K.E a strong reality in the global electronic scene. Their numerous gigs in major cities of Brazil, as well as tours in countries suck as Denmark, Russia and Mexico are just one more confirmation to that approval.\r Having over 700.000 plays on Soundcloud, these talented minds are currently consolidating the style of their project at a frenzied pace of production, and releasing music on labels such as Iboga Records, Echoes Records, Baroque Records, Nero Bianco, Club Session, among others.\r The world has already proved to be prepared for Q.U.A.K.E. How about you?