Tears Is a new solo project by the versatile and active ex-skibonit Jeppe Grønbæk, in addition to his work within a large band constellations (of which the latest counter Tilebreaker and Pleasure) has also made a name as the lead singer of Urban Achievers and with his solo project, Perennial Flax. With .Tears expands Grønbæk his musical repertoire with a handful of songs shroud in captivating melancholy. The hallmark of the Perennial Flax was the stripped-down terms, which to some extent also recurs in .Tears songs that in some ways appears incredibly fragile (as fallen tears that evaporates in sunlight), yet immensely powerful in its unilateral sentimental expression. With songs such as "Love Can not Save Me" is love clichés gained momentum, and the otherwise familiar artistic expression on the powerless love hits you in the same way as the first love. Although the lyrical themes in songs paint a picture of the broken individual promises songs the listener in the stratosphere, just exactly like any good pop song should do.