Put together in 2002, through work, chance and love meetings,Junesex spent their first two years defining a sound and making an album completly disrespecting rules, codes and gender barriers. They released So F**king Chic in 2004 with a mission to inject fresh air in the world of pop probably the only album where you can find warped out approaches on rap, hard rock, electro, ballads, and 4/4 floorfillers side by side. You could be on a dancefloor and be hit by their cover of run dmc s u b illin (or how to make people dance to a baroque recorder) or their infectuous housey anthem get s close to mine . rock, groove, pop, electronic, indie radios and press all followed each playing or writing about a different side of junesex. Studio band at the time they, then went on to put a live act together, and they managed with a combinasion of sequencers drum machines keyboards bass, guitar, effects and percussions to translate their unique sound and energy on stage Gigs followed trough out France and Germany. Time was then spent making babies, building a studio and producing friends like toothless dancer finally Junesex got together for their second opus, Sex In Times Of War, out in february 2009 with one idea in mind, just more. Junesex wants more sound, more emotions,more trance, more love, more fun, more sex... You can get a hint at what is coming by checking out the two first singles the ballad of tom scraw remixed by the minimal goddess chloe and worst than love with remixes from losoul and gilb r and a juicy cover of iggy pop s classic nightclubbing. in the meantime junesex is testing the new album live in france to great public acclaim many tried to sum it up : pop, minimal folk, electro funk, house, rock,acid love, chic sex, bodily fluids only one label fits: JUNESEX