

1997 乐队成立,并开始第一次演出。 1998 进行了30场演出,并制作了第一张小样CD 1999 进行了30场演出,制作了乐队第二张小样CD。 并且从参加全国性音乐比 赛《Newcomer 99》的400支乐队中脱颖而出,获得冠军。 2000 进行了更多的演出。在瑞士苏黎世的Volkshaus举行的全国新生乐队比赛 《Music Act 2000》决赛中横扫参赛的630支乐队获得冠军。 当年与华纳 唱片公司签约。 2001 发行首张专辑《Playin' Hooky》。其中三首歌曲MV在VIVA SWIZZ频道热 播。专辑攀升到排行榜第44名。被COMET und PRIX WALO提名。在瑞士和 德国共进行了50余场演出,并在德国作为美国乐队《Wheatus》的嘉宾乐 队演出。 2002 发行第二张专辑《Bound for Nowhere》。专辑蹿升至排行榜第15位。乐 队在瑞士,德国,奥地利和丹麦共进行了73场演出。并在德国为《Die Happy》表演。 2004 乐队最成功的单曲《She cries for someone else》成为电台的超级热播 曲目。新专辑《Season Change》攻到排行榜第三名。进行了一场相当卖 座的巡演,并为布莱恩·亚当斯,艾拉妮丝·莫莉塞特以及崔维斯乐队暖 场。 2006 发行第四张专辑《Superbixen》。专辑获得了排行榜第四名的好成绩。3 首单曲在电台热播,还在酒吧和音乐节演出。 2008 乐队第五张专辑《The Theory of everything》再次获得排行榜第二名的 好成绩。单曲《Taking your love》的播放率再创新高,同时也成为乐队 历史上最为成功的单曲。被瑞士国家电视台提名为瑞士最佳摇滚歌曲奖。 进行了一场极为卖座的巡演,并且作为詹姆斯·布伦特演唱会的开场嘉宾 。对于Dada ante Portas乐队来说,这才是刚刚开始... Pee Wirz: 主唱,钢琴 Luc "Luc le bo": 吉他,和声 Lukas Schaller: 吉他,和声 Thommy Lauper: 鼓手by Jason BirchmeierDada Ante Portas, formerly known as Dada (Ante Portas), is an English-language Swiss rock band from Lucerne who broke through to mainstream success in 2004 with their third album, Seasons Change. Comprised of Pee Wirz (vocals, born Pirmin Wirz), Luc le Bo (guitar, vocals; born Luc Bachmann), Lukas Schaller (guitar), Mitch Prest (bass), and Thommy Lauper (drums), the band formed in 1997 and performed its first concert in October of that year. After approximately 100 successive live performances, Dada Ante Portas made their recording debut with Playin' Hooky (2001), followed by Bound for Nowhere (2002). The latter album proved significantly more popular than its predecessor, charting at number 15 on the Swiss albums chart relative to number 44 for the band's debut. Dada Ante Portas' third album proved their breakthrough, charting number three and spawning the Top 40 hit "She Cries for Someone Else." At this juncture, the band changed its name from Dada (Ante Portas) to simply Dada Ante Portas for its next album, Superbixen (2006), a Top Five hit. Also around this time, the bandmembers began to quarrel in the wake of their newfound fame; consequently, at the conclusion of the supporting tour for Superbixen, bassist Mitch Prest departed the band. Guitarist Lukas Schaller assumed bass duties during the recording of the band's next album, The Theory of Everything (2008). The album album became Dada Ante Portas' most successful to date, debuting at number two on the Swiss albums chart and spawning the Top 20 hit "Taking Your Love."

